13.2.2025: Putkirikko Ojakkalassa Enätiellä. Vedenjakelu on keskeytynyt Ojakkalan, Tervalammen ja Otalammen alueella. Korjaustyöt aloitettu, ja vedenjakelu saadaan palautettua arviolta klo 21.00. Vedenjakeluauto on Hiekkahentusen (Kehätie 1430, Ojakkala) pysäköintialueella, sieltä voi noutaa vettä omiin astioihin.

Immigration services

Ilmakuva Nummelasta

Immigration services

Vihti’s immigration services offer guidance to support integration and advice for both quota refugees and persons receiving international and temporary protection. We will help you in integrating into Finnish society, guide you in using society’s services and give you advice in matters relating to everyday life. These include housing, studying, work, residence permits, and other issues concerning authorities.

We also offer advice for municipality residents who have received residence permits for work, family, study or some other reason. We want to serve all immigrants living in Vihti, and if necessary, we will hire an interpreter to join our meeting.

Integration programme of the municipality of Vihti 2020–2023 (FIN)

Integration programme of the municipality of Vihti 2024–2025 (FIN)

Contact information

  • Immigration Coordinator Elina Vanamo, p. 044 042 1730, elina.vanamo(at)vihti.fi
  • Integration Instructor Manar Hassan, tel. 044 467 5291, manar.hassan(at)vihti.fi
  • Integration Instructor Hanna Nikinmaa, tel. 040 5091459, hanna.nikinmaa(at)vihti.fi
  • Social worker (Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County) tel. 029 151 3140

We carry out cross-disciplinary cooperation with other authorities and third sector operators, and also do our part to support the other service providers in the area. Our volunteer network also supports people integrating into Vihti in everyday matters.

Collaborative projects

NAVIGAATTORI (Navigator) – joint development project for employment, partnership and competence.

The project aims to solve problems where vacant jobs and the labour force do not meet for some reason.


The project helps immigrants, as well as other jobseekers, in finding the right work or training place for their situation. If your issue does not concern training or job seeking, the project can, if needed, guide you to the appropriate services.

If needed, we will guide you to the NAVIGAATTORI project’s services.

Viimeksi päivitetty 18.04.2024